Friday, August 8, 2008

Are we fuzzy

" There are 10 type of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

But you dont need to be genius to understand that life may not be binary... it is rather fuzzy. we
are never dealing with black and white, good or bad , genius or stupid, this or that..... we are always dealing with spectrum of choices..categorization is invention of human mind which is itself fuzzy... So where does it lead to.... It leads to shades of grey insted of black and white...

Aha... grey!!!! that is the philosophy of life... the uncertainty...

the real import of the hypothesis is we can't have prepared solutions, prepared reactions to situations.. We have to decide case by case... every situation, every person, every thing is different from other. Situations may have commonality but they are never the same.


Manikesh kumar said...

such an original thought

Ravish said...

I can't agree more and I recommend you to see some videos of Devdutt Patnaik. He shows us how west thins in binary and we (India) from ages were fuzzy and are fuzzy. But gradually we are moving towards west...